SUPERINTENDENT'S MESSAGE: Due to extreme temperatures, Colstrip Public Schools will have a 2 hour late start tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th to allow temperatures to rise. Once again, all buses and classes will run 2 hours behind schedule on Wednesday February 19th. Breakfast will not be served.

CHS Transportation Notice- There will be NO Activity Bus Wednesday, February 19th or Thursday, February 20th.

Due to the extreme low temperatures and road conditions, we have rescheduled the FBMS Boys' Basketball game at Lame Deer for today to next Tuesday, 2/25. There will still be 3 games beginning with C Team at 4PM.

CHS Athletic Update- the 3B District Basketball Tournament will kick off on Wednesday, February 19th in the Huntley Project High School gym. Tickets will only be sold at the gate. Hope to see everyone there!

Saturday, February 15, 2025 is National School Resource Officer Day and we wanted to give a shout out to our own Officer Don Purdon! Thank you for everything you do!

Congratulations to Colstrip Wrestling!
We had 3 State Top 5 Finishers.
Congratulations to:
Dylan Grant- 5th Place, 157
Kaydence Littlewolf- 5th Place, 175
Ethan Goodluck- 3rd Place, 285
The Colstrip team is currently sitting in 9th place overall.

We are looking for our next Business Manager/District Clerk!
If you are interested or want to apply:
We want you to join our Central Office team!

District News >>> Last chance to add your opinion to the District Goal survey. Survey closes at 5PM today! How well is the District doing? Let the School Board know how well you think the District is doing. If you're a student, parent, teacher, staff, or in any way connected to or impacted by our beloved schools, we invite you to participate in the survey. Responses are anonymous. 🤓
Click here --> https://forms.gle/hssAgKCpLZbARRhL6
The Survey will close on Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM.

CHS NEWS-- SENIOR NIGHT information for Colt and Fillie basketball, pep band, drumline and cheer!

CHS NEWS-- GOOD LUCK to our Colt and Fillie wrestlers as they head to State!

****FBMS Basketball Notice****
The FBMS Boys' Basketball Team will close out their home schedule today against St. Labre. There will be two games beginning at 4:30PM at Frank Brattin Middle School.
The games will be broadcast on NFHS Network.

***Transportation Notice***
There will be no activitiy bus this evening, Wednesday, February 12th.

CHS Art Club News: The Talent Show has been postponed until Tuesday, March 4th at 6:30 PM. Please register by contacting Mrs. Deanna Patton. Hope to see everyone there.

Water is essential to our body's functioning. Make sure your child has a water bottle to use at school to help with their hydration.

**Tech Update** How can you stay connected to District alerts? First, download the Colstrip mobile app. Second, log into the Infinite Campus parent portal and confirm your phone number and email address are current for auto-calls.
Download the app here: Apple == https://apple.co/3di7Ssd OR Android == https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.colstrip&pcampaignid=web_share
You can also check your parent portal in Infinite Campus to make sure your phone number is on the call out list for your student. IC portal == https://mtdecloud2.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/colstrip.jsp
The app will keep you up to date with the latest alerts. Many updates we send out start as a webpage alert, then are pushed to the app as a notification, automatically posted to FB, and then sent out via robo-calls through Infinite Campus.

Transportation Notice
Here are the pickup times for tomorrow's 2 hour delay:
Driver: Toni Helmer
Morning Route
7:05 Pre-Trip
7:20 Leave Bus Barn
8:00 Ashland Public
8:03 St. Labre
8:06 Tuff
8:16 Greenleaf Turn
8:40 Davenport
8:45 Kluver
8:48 Bell
8:52 Clark
9:03 Highway 39
9:14 Cherry/Fir (Mormon Church)
9:16 Cherry/Cottonwood
9:18 Currant/Crocus
9:19 Water/Woodrose (HS only)
9:21 Wildrye/Pine (HS only)
9:22 ½ up Browning
9:26 ½ up Cimarron
9:28 Castle Rock Lake Parking Lot
9:41 CHS
9:46 PBES
9:50 Bus Barn
Morning Route
7:45 Pre-Trip
8:00 Leave Bus Barn
8:39 Muddy Cluster
8:56 White Buffalo Drive (Powwow Grounds—Small)
8:59 Harris Lane B
9:00 Harris Lane A
9:03 Little Coyote Drive
9:06 Boys & Girls Club
9:10 Central Stop
9:13 BIA
9:16 Small/Scalpcane
9:20 Egan
9:24 Old Poacher Road
9:27 Cook
9:28 Neiman
9:39 FBMS
9:48 CHS
9:52 PBES
10:00 Bus Barn
Also, please ensure your children are dressed warmly and appropriately for temperatures in the -20 to -30 degree air temperature range. School Board policy requires that students be dressed and prepared for cold weather when riding the bus.
Thank you, as always, do what is safest and best for your family in your situation.

SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE: Due to extreme temperatures tonight, Colstrip Public Schools will have a 2 hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11th to allow temperatures to rise. All buses and classes will run 2 hours behind schedule on Tuesday February 11th. Breakfast will not be served

CHS Basketball Rescheduling Notice
Colstrip High School Basketball with Lodge Grass has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 2/12 at Lodge Grass. Games will be played at both the Elementary Gym and HS Gym in Lodge Grass. Here is the schedule of games:
2 pm C girls
3:30 pm JV girls
2 pm C boys
3:30 pm JV boys
5:00 pm V girl
6:30 pm V boys

Congratulations to Coach Taylor Ramsey and the 9 wrestlers who qualified for the State Wrestling Tournment at the Metra beginning this Thursday, 2/13. The following student athletes will be representing Colstrip at this year's tournament:
118 lbs 6th Place- Cody Bradley
157 lbs 4th Place- Dylan Grant
165 lbs 3rd Place- Kai Heck
175 lbs 5th Place- Kaydence Littlewolf
285 lbs 3rd Place- Ethan Goodluck
285 lbs 4th Place- Particio Gutierrez
100 lbs 5th Place- Amareese Violett
190 lbs 3rd Place- Tayler Small
190 lbs 4th Place- Avery Violett

We are looking for District Substitutes (Classroom subs), Bus Drivers (CDL preferred), ParaProfessionals.
Check our Job Opportunities page: www.colstrippublicschools.org/page/job-opportunities
Questions and applications to: ryan.pedraza@colstrip.k12.mt.us